Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing
Our partner SPF "Diagnostic devices" has a laboratory of nondestructive testing and provides services for monitoring equipment and materials by non-destructive methods in the manufacture, construction, installation, repair, reconstruction, operation and technical diagnosis of industrial facilities.
The basis of the laboratory is an objective assessment of the quality of products, obtaining, processing and analysis of information on their quality, developing proposals to improve the quality of product tests, as well as conducting arbitration tests by methods of nondestructive testing.
The laboratory of non-destructive testing is equipped with modern equipment, equipment and measuring instruments, which allows to carry out tests at a high technical level.
The collective of the laboratory consists of responsible, certified in accordance with EN ISO 9712 "Nondestructive testing - Qualification and certification of personnel engaged in nondestructive testing", highly qualified specialists with many years of experience in the field of quality control.
The laboratory is accredited by the National Agency for Accreditation of Ukraine for compliance with the requirements of DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories", and also has the permission of the Gosgorpromnadzor of Ukraine to conduct testing of machines, mechanisms, equipment of increased danger.
Scope of the Laboratory:
- Control methods:
- visual inspection (VT);
- ultrasonic testing (UT);
- radiographic monitoring (RT);
- magnetic particle inspection (MT);
- capillary control (PT);
- eddy current testing (ET);
- determination of hardness.
The objects of control are welded joints and base metal:
- boilers for steam and hot water;
- tanks, tanks and tanks of metal;
- pipelines;
- lifting and freight equipment;
- machines and equipment for mining operations;
- machinery and equipment of the metallurgical industry;
- metal structures and parts thereof;
- equipment for railway transport;
- ships and floating equipment;