Here is the technical documentation for manufactured devices, GOSTs, which are used for monitoring and methods of operation of devices:
Passports for devices: | |
Hardness testers: | |
Dynamic hardness tester TD-42 | DOWNLOAD |
Dynamic hardness tester TD-42M | DOWNLOAD |
Contact-resonance hardness tester TKR-45 | DOWNLOAD |
Combined hardness tester TM-40 | DOWNLOAD |
Thickness gauges: | |
Ultrasonic thickness gauge UT-31 | DOWNLOAD |
Ultrasonic thickness gauge UT-51 | DOWNLOAD |
Ultrasonic thickness gauge UT-51M | DOWNLOAD |
Thickness gauge of coatings TP-44 |
Thickness gauge of coatings TP-44M |
Defectoscopes: | |
Ultrasonic flaw detector UD2-41 | DOWNLOAD |
Eddy current flaw detector VD-43A |
Pulsed electrospark defectoscope "PULSAR-2I" Set of spring electrodes |
Special devices: | |
Ultrasonic device for measuring strength and depth of surface cracks in building materials UK-39 | DOWNLOAD |
Visually-optical inspection: | |
Set for visually-optical control | DOWNLOAD |
The list of necessary documents referred to by the devices in the work:
GOSTs: |
ДСТУ Б В.2.7-226:2009 "Concrete. Ultrasonic method for determining strength." | DOWNLOAD |
ГОСТ 24332-88 "Silicate brick and stones. Ultrasonic method for determining compressive strength." | DOWNLOAD |
ГОСТ 17624-87 "Concretes. Ultrasonic method for determination of strength." | DOWNLOAD |
Useful information on the physical principles and methods of controlling devices:
Articles: | |
Hardness measurement methods | DOWNLOAD |
Ultrasonic thickness gauges | DOWNLOAD |
The laws of physics in capillary nondestructive testing | DOWNLOAD |