Certification of specialists
on non-destructive testing with subsequent certification through a certification center
NDT personnel under the Bulgarian Defectoscopy Society (BDS)
EN 4179:2017
About certification center
LLC SPF "ULTRAKON" in partnership with LLC SPF "Diagnostic devices" organizes, conducts and formalizes the results of the qualification examinations of specialists in non-destructive testing methods for Levels 1, 2 and 3 with the aim of further certification through the Certification Center for Nondestructive Testing (NCP NSC) personnel at the Bulgarian Defectoscopy Society (BDS) (Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria) in accordance with the requirements of EN 4179: 2017 "Aerospace series. Qualification and approval of personnel of non-destructive testing ".
The competence of ACNC is confirmed by a certificate issued by the certification center for personnel on non-destructive testing at the Bulgarian Society for Flaw Detection.
The competence of ACNC is confirmed by a certificate issued by the certification center for personnel on non-destructive testing at the Bulgarian Society for Flaw Detection. The competence of the SCP PNA is confirmed by the accreditation certificate in accordance with EN ISO 17024 for the certification scheme according to EN ISO 9712 issued by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service No. 1 OSB on 30.12.2014, Certificate No. 3 dated June 20, 2014r. Bulgarian National Aerospace Board for personnel of ND for certification scheme according to EN 4179.
The SPC PNA has the certificate of the European Federation of Nondestructive Testing No. 7003 on registration of participation in the mutual recognition agreement for certification (certificates issued to it are recognized in all EU member states and in the following countries: Australia, Belarus, Croatia, Israel, Norway, Russia, Switzerland and Ukraine).
Qualification examinations for NDT specialists are conducted by representatives (examiners) of the Certification Center for Nondestructive Testing Personnel at the Bulgarian Flaw Detection Society on the basis of the ACNC LLC SPF "Diagnostic devices".
The examiners of the SCP PNA are highly qualified specialists of the SFP, certified to the third level of qualification in accordance with EN 4179, who have extensive experience in conducting qualification examinations, as well as practical work in the conduct of the NC products of the aerospace industry.
At the request of the Customer, qualification examinations can be conducted and on the technical basis of the Customer, with observance of the entire procedure for conducting qualification examinations, by prior agreement of all nuances with the SPC of PNA.
ACNC is equipped with modern instruments and equipment of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers for conducting qualification examinations of NDT specialists.
ACNC has the necessary fund of European and international normative and methodological documentation on NK, allows to ensure the process of conducting qualification examinations.
Examination samples, which are used for qualification examinations, are real fragments of products or parts and components of aviation equipment.
ACNC realizes the importance of impartiality in the performance of certification procedures, solves conflicts of interest and ensures the objectivity of its certification.
Any candidate can pass the certification if he meets the requirements for health status, special training and practical experience in accordance with the requirements of standard EN 4179 from the following NDT methods:
- capillary inspection (PT)
- magnetic particle inspection (MT)
- eddy current testing (ET)
- ultrasonic testing (UT)